Registration for the graduation ceremony - Department of Physics First Name • Last Name • You are a graduate for • BachelorMasterPhD Your Degree Program • PhysicsPhysics of Green TechnologiesPhysics and EconomicsPhysics and AIFunctional MaterialsNone of the above Title of your thesis • Your private e-mail address • How many people (including yourself) will you be attending the graduation ceremony with? • How many people (including yourself) will be attending the champagne reception afterwards? • 123No attendance Participation is possible for you and up to two accompanying persons. Photos will be taken at the graduation ceremony. I agree that these photos may be made available to the graduates and used for the department's website and social media accounts. • yes no Please point this out to the photographer if you don't want to be photographed. I understand that this data will be stored for the organization of the graduation ceremony. This data will be deleted promptly after the ceremony. Captcha • Question: What is 6 + 2 ??