Report Barriers Philipps-Universität Marburg strives to make its digital services accessible and to reduce existing accessibility barriers as much as possible. If you encounter accessibility barriers when using 2FA-Portal, you are welcome to report them to us by using the web form. You can find the web form at the end of this text. Alternatively, you can report the barrier to us by phone or email us: Phone number: +49 6421 28-23504 E-Mail address: You can find answers to frequently asked questions/barrier reports in an anonymized form here: Link to the FAQ page [DE] You also have the option of reporting constructional (form for reporting constructional barriers) or other barriers (form from the Office for Anti-discrimination and Diversity [DE]). If you have not found the right contact person for your concern, you are welcome to use the overview page [DE] of other central advisory services of UMR. Information Regarding the Use of the Feedback Web Form Fields marked with • are mandatory fields. Providing your contact details is voluntary. Thus, you can also report the accessibility barrier to us anonymously. Please note, however, that in this case we will not be able to get back to you in case we have questions concerning the accessibility issue that you reported, nor are we able to inform you about the extent to which the accessibility barrier could be removed. If you provide us with your e-mail address, we will inform you about the processing status of the reported accessibility barrier and you will receive a copy of your report by e- mail. Visited Page Browser The information in the following field was determined automatically and cannot be changed. It describes the exact browser you used on a technical level. This helps us to retrace the accessibility barrier. Description of the Accessibility Barrier • In the following text field, you have the possibility to describe the accessibility barrier in detail. Please explain the accessibility barrier as precisely as possible. You are welcome to tell us step by step how you proceed and where the problem occurs Attach Picture Here you can upload a screenshot or other image file to illustrate the accessibility barrier. Information on Assistive Devices Used If you are using assistive devices (e.g., a screen reader such as JAWS or NVDA, magnification software, etc.), please indicate here which assistive devices were used when you encountered the accessibility barrier. If you also know the version of the assistive software you are using, please provide that information as well. First Name and Last Name E-Mail Adress Data Protection Notice(GER) Security Question • Question: What is 2 + 2 ?? Accessibility Statement